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Blues From Holland - LP
click here for plain text track list

Side 1
    1 Cuby & The Blizzards - Richard Cory (Grollo, Netherlands)
    2 Q65 - Rambling On My Mind (The Hague, Netherlands) *
    3 The Rob Hoeke Rhythm & Blues Group - My Circular Jail (Haarlem, Netherlands) *
    4 Livin' Blues - Murphy Mc.Coy (The Hague, Netherlands)
    5 Oscar Benton Blues Band - Dedicated To Lofton (Haarlem, Netherlands) *

Side 2
    1 Q65 - Ain't That Loving You Babe (The Hague, Netherlands)
    2 Endatteme Jugband - Beeble Um Bum (Netherlands) *
    3 Indiscrimination - Wishful Thinking (The Hague, Netherlands)
    4 Blues Dimension - Blues Dimension (Zwolle, Netherlands) *

Side 3
    1 Cuby & The Blizzards - Gin House Blues (Grollo, Netherlands)
    2 Livin' Blues - I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate (The Hague, Netherlands) *
    3 Q65 - (You're Gonna) Wreck My Life (The Hague, Netherlands)
    4 Cuby & The Blizzards - You Don't Know (Grollo, Netherlands) *
    5 Oscar Benton Blues Band - I Feel So Good (Haarlem, Netherlands)

Side 4
    1 Cuby & The Blizzards - Uncle Kirby (From Brazil) (Grollo, Netherlands)
    2 Q65 - Spoonful (The Hague, Netherlands)
    3 Indiscrimination - Harp Blowing Blues (The Hague, Netherlands) *
    4 Q65 - 80% O (The Hague, Netherlands)
    5 Endatteme Jugband - Corn Bread, Peas And Black Molasses (Netherlands) *

* indicates that the track only appears on this compilation

Data last updated 5/14/2021.

This data is based on Menachem Turchick's Searchin' for Shakes database. Send any data additions/corrections or updated band information to the email address on his web site (click here).

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Note: since some of you haven't figured it out yet, this database is for informational purposes only. We ain't selling anything so please don't ask where to buy something or how to order. If you're trying to find any of the recordings contained herein try asking at any of the following: Thanks.