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Pop Era #1 [Quick Before They Catch Us] - LP
click here for plain text track list

Side 1
    1 Paddy, Klaus & Gibson - Quick Before They Catch Us (Liverpool, U.K.)
    2 The Ivy League - My World Fell Down (Birmingham, U.K.)
    3 The Ugly's - End Of The Season (Birmingham, U.K.)
    4 The Bystanders - Pattern People (Swansea, U.K.)
    5 The Hellions - Tomorrow Never Comes (Birmingham, U.K.)
    6 The Sorrows - Pink Purple Yellow And Red (Coventry, U.K.)
    7 The Factotums - Here Today (Manchester, U.K.)
    8 The Searchers - Each Time (Liverpool, U.K.)

Side 2
    1 Episode Six - Love, Hate, Revenge (Harrow, U.K.)
    1 The Onyx - You've Gotta Be With Me (Wadebridge, U.K.)
    2 The Chapters - Can't Stop Thinking About Her (Bradford, U.K.)
    3 Dave Davies - Creeping Jean (London, U.K.)
    5 The Rockin' Berries - The Water Is Over My Head (Birmingham, U.K.)
    6 The Riot Squad - I Take It That We're Through (London, U.K.)
    7 Thursday's Children - Just You (London, U.K.)
    8 Don Craine's New Downliners Sect - Roses (London, U.K.)

Data last updated 5/14/2021.

This data is based on Menachem Turchick's Searchin' for Shakes database. Send any data additions/corrections or updated band information to the email address on his web site (click here).

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Note: since some of you haven't figured it out yet, this database is for informational purposes only. We ain't selling anything so please don't ask where to buy something or how to order. If you're trying to find any of the recordings contained herein try asking at any of the following: Thanks.